
Sorcerer Job Change Guide

レベル 99/50↑ Sage or Scholar
前提 なし
必要アイテム Elemental Ores 属性原石を数十個。種類は行き先による
(Crystal Blue, Red Blood, Green Live, Wind of Verdure)
(Non-VIP >1 Reset Stone)
報酬アイテム 1 Wind Whisper(1) and 1 Green Apple Ring

◆ 手順

When he asks what brought you here, pick any option (except the last)

tell him you can handle magic skillfully. Then tell him that Sorcerers can deal with the spirits. Agree to his test and he'll tell you to go to Karacas on the 4th floor.
(gef_tower 113, 161) in the middle of the room.
3 Wind of Verdure, 3 Crystal Blue, 3 Red Blood, and 3 Green Live for the next step.
3つの試薬 (red, clear, black) を4箇所で集めます。
For each attempt to communicate you will need 3 of the corresponding elemental stone.
Note: You can use the same sign more then once and get 2 diferent reagents from the same sign.

※ 原石の在庫次第ですが、2ヶ所で十分。場所によって必要な原石が異なります。好きな場所に行ってクリックするだけ。1ヶ所で2種類取れます。一例ですが、数回で成功
(1)氷のダンジョン 1
Use Crystal Blue at the northeast corner (ice_dun01 274, 274):
Gives Clear Reagent or Black Reagent.
(2)トール火山 1
Use Red Blood at the center of northwest room (thor_v01 64, 252):
Gives Clear Reagent or Black Reagent.
Use Green Live at the southwest part of northeast island (mjo_dun03 201, 141):
Gives Red Reagent or Clear Reagent.
(4)コンロンD 2
Use Wind of Verdure at the southwest part of northeast island (gun_dun02 195, 190):
Gives Red Reagent or Black Reagent.
Clear Reagent, Black Reagent,
Red Reagent

Karacaswill congratulate you on finishing the test
and change you to a Sorcerer.

◆ 関連動画

※ 勝手に紹介

最終更新:2012年03月21日 15:13