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だれでも歓迎! 編集


  • Defender / Sorcerer スキルを使用時に装備している必要がある。
  • 片手鎚とほぼ同等の攻撃力ではあるが、やや物理攻撃寄りの性格を持つ。
名称 耐久 物理
追加能力 宝石 材料 製作費 強化 取引 備考
名称 耐久 物理
追加能力 宝石 材料 製作費 強化 取引 備考
1 Training Sword 30 18-25 15-18 - - - - × × 修理不可
Standard Sword 40 21-26 15-18 - - - - × 初期装備
2 Pirate's Sword 50 22-29 16-20 - - Copper Ore *1 24c
4 Admiral's Sword 50 29-36 20-25 Strength +2
Vitality +1
1 Copper Ore *2
Rune of Nature *1
Mysterious Beach Sand *1
6 Sword of the Kuotes Empire 50 38-48 27-33 Strength +3
Vitality +1
物理クリティカル率 +6
魔法クリティカル率 +6
2 Copper Ore *1
Rune of Nature *1
Mysterious Beach Sand *1
Kuotes Stone Fragment *8
5s29c ×
8 Sword of the Prairies 50 33-42 23-29 - - Copper Ore *2 1s92c
9 Sword of the Pioneer 50 38-49 27-33 Strength +4
Vitality +2
1 Cooper Ore *3
Guidestone Fragment *5
Strong Spider Webbing *2
10 Sword of the Veteran Adventurer 50 47-60 34-41 Strength +5
Vitality +2
物理クリティカル率 +10
魔法クリティカル率 +10
2 Copper Ore *2
Guidestone Fragment *2
Rengot Armour Fragment *4
Fleetfoot's Fang *1
11s38c ×
12 Rengot Long Sword 50 45-58 32-40 - - Iron *2 3s52c
13 Long Sword of the Guardian 50 54-68 38-47 Strength +7
Vitality +3
1 Iron *2
Glittering Powder *4
Blue Jewel Fragment *4
14 Long Sword of Conquest 50 65-83 46-57 Strength +7
Vitality +3
物理クリティカル率 +14
魔法クリティカル率 +14
2 Iron *2
Glittering Powder *8
Blue Jewel Fragment *8
Goblin Golem's Crystal Heart *1
18s85c ×
15 Imperial Long Sword 50 54-69 39-47 - - Iron *2 4s92c
17 Long Sword of Nature 50 66-85 47-58 Strength +9
Intelligence +4
Vitality +4
1 Iron *2
Energy of Darkness *3
Soul Jewel of the Dead *3
18 Long Sword of Circulation 50 82-104 58-72 Strength +9
Vitality +4
物理クリティカル率 +18
魔法クリティカル率 +18
1 Iron *2
Energy of Darkness *5
Soul Jewel of the Dead *3
Omphacite *3
Glittering Leaf *1
27s49c × 魔法詠唱時に低確率でEPが回復
Long Sword of the Old Hero 50 70-89 50-61 Strength +13
Vitality +4
1 Iron *2
Energy of Darkness *3
Drop of Green Blood *3
19 Thunderbolt Long Sword of the Phantom 50 86-110 61-75 Strength +10
Vitality +5
物理クリティカル率 +19
魔法クリティカル率 +19
1 Iron *2
Energy of Darkness *5
Drop of Green Blood *3
Bloodstone *5
Pure Water of Magic *1
29s81c × 打撃時に低確率で対象に追加雷ダメージ
20 Pilgrim's Lomg Sword 50 72-91 51-63 - - Iron *3 7s58c
21 Long Sword of Discord 50 103-131 74-90 Strength +11
Vitality +5
1 Steel Fragment *3
Ice Crystal *3
Harpy Feather *3
22 Long Sword of Victory 50 119-151 85-104 Strength +11
Vitality +5
物理クリティカル率 +23
魔法クリティカル率 +22
2 Steel Fragment *3
Ice Crystal *6
Harpy Feather *3
Shadiz' Soul Jewel *1
37s14c × Ancient Flame 完了後
23 Long Sword of the Mad Eye Hero 50 134-170 96-117 Strength +12
Vitality +6
物理クリティカル率 +24
魔法クリティカル率 +23
1 Steel Fragment *3
Harpy Feather *4
Diago's Ice Jewel *1
39s70c × Mad Eye の友好値が Very Friendly 以上
Long Sword of the White Yeti Hero White Yeti の友好値が Very Friendly 以上
24 Investigator's Long Sword 109-138 78-95 - - Steel Fragment *6 9s97c
25 Kobold's Long Sword 50 122-156 88-107 Strength +13
Vitality +6
1 Steel Fragment *7
Ghost Stone *10
Mad Heart Talisman *10
27 Long Sword of the Militia 50 124-159 89-109 - - Steel Fragment *7 11s90c
28 Long Sword of the Seal 50 140-178 100-122 Strength +15
Vitality +7
1 Steel Fragment *7
Tainted Gemstone *10
Contaminant *10
29 Long Sword of the Lake 50 170-216 121-148 Strength +15
Vitality +7
物理クリティカル率 +30
魔法クリティカル率 +29
1 Steel Fragment *8
Tainted Gemstone *10
Contaminant *10
Fragment of Yillis' Soul *2
56s22c × 打撃時に低確率で対象をノックダウン
30 Garrison Long Sword 50 141-180 101-123 - - Steel Fragment *8 13s94c
31 Wanderer's Long Sword 50 158-202 113-138 Strength +16
Vitality +8
1 Steel Bullion *8
Decayed Jewel *17
Deformed Jewel *21
33 Long Sword of Fusion 50 219-279 157-192 Strength +17
Vitality +8
物理クリティカル率 +34
魔法クリティカル率 +33
2 Steel Bullion *9
Decayed Jewel *17
Deformed Jewel *21
Poluto's Fang *2
68s24c ×
Destroyer's Long Sword 50 225-287 161-197 Strength +17
Vitality +8
物理クリティカル率 +34
魔法クリティカル率 +33
1 Steel Bullion *9
Decayed Jewel *17
Deformed Jewel *21
Poluto's Left Tentacle *2
Poluto's Right Tentacle *2
68s24c × 打撃時に低確率で対象の移動速度を3秒間30%低下させる
Long Sword of Regeneration 50 225-287 161-197 Strength +17
Vitality +8
物理クリティカル率 +34
魔法クリティカル率 +33
1 Steel Bullion *9
Decayed Jewel *17
Deformed Jewel *21
Fungus Core *2
68s24c × 打撃時に低確率で継続してHPが回復
34 Sword of the Grand Wall 50 207-263 148-181 Strength +18
Vitality +9
1 Steel Bullion *9
Unidentified Bone *12
Tranquil Soul *14
Sword of Silence 50 225-287 161-197 Strength +18
Vitality +9
物理クリティカル率 +35
魔法クリティカル率 +34
2 Sword of the Grand Wall *1
Knight's Rune *25
Philosopher's Rune *25
Warrior's Rune *25
Evil Sorcerer's Rune *25
68s24c ×
35 Long Sword of Purification 50 232-295 166-203 Strength +19
Agility +9
Vitality +9
物理クリティカル率 +36
魔法クリティカル率 +35
2 Steel Bullion *9
Seed of the Fighting Spirit *28
Crystal of the Fighting Spirit *22
Contaminated Garden Energy Source *21
74s54c ×
Sturdy Long Sword of Purification 50 232-295 166-203 Strength +40 2 Steel Bullion *9
Seed of the Fighting Spirit *28
Crystal of the Fighting Spirit *22
Contaminated Garde Energy Source *21
74s54c ×
Swift Long Sword of Purification 50 232-295 166-203 Agility +60 2 Steel Bullion *9
Seed of the Fighting Spirit *28
Crystal of the Fighting Spirit *22
Contaminated Garde Energy Source *21
74s54c ×
Forceful Long Sword of Purification 50 232-295 132-227 - 2 Steel Bullion *9
Seed of the Fighting Spirit *28
Crystal of the Fighting Spirit *22
Contaminated Garde Energy Source *21
74s54c ×
Long Sword of Lamentation 50 256-326 183-224 Strength +19
Intelligence +9
Vitality +9
物理クリティカル率 +36
魔法クリティカル率 +35
2 Steel Bullion *9
Restraining Soulstone *38
Sealstone of the God *25
Manelos' Bloodstone *21
74s54c ×
Thunderbolt Long Sword 50 262-334 188-230 Strength +19
Vitality +9
物理クリティカル率 +36
魔法クリティカル率 +35
2 Steel Bullion *9
Restraining Soulstone *52
Sealstone of the God *25
Manelos' Thunderbolt Orb *21
74s54c × 打撃時に低確率で対象に追加雷ダメージ
Harmonious Long Sword of Lamentation 50 307-326 183-224 - 2 Steel Bullion *9
Restraining Soulstone *38
Sealstone of the God *25
Manelos' Bloodstone *21
74s54c ×
Sturdy Long Sword of Lamentation 50 256-326 183-224 物理クリティカル率 +90 2 Steel Bullion *9
Restraining Soulstone *38
Sealstone of the God *25
Manelos' Bloodstone *21
74s54c ×
Harsh Long Sword of Lamentation 50 256-326 183-224 魔法クリティカル率 +87 2 Steel Bullion *9
Restraining Soulstone *38
Sealstone of the God *25
Manelos' Bloodstone *21
74s54c ×
Noble Long Sword of Lamentation 50 256-326 183-224 Max HP +560 2 Steel Bullion *9
Restraining Soulstone *38
Sealstone of the God *25
Manelos' Bloodstone *21
74s54c ×
Long Sword of the Judge 50 232-295 166-203 Strength +28
Vitality +9
物理クリティカル率 +36
魔法クリティカル率 +35
2 Steel Bullion *9
Evidence of Faith *38
Soulstone of the Judged *25
Saint's Crystallised Teardrop *21
74s54c ×
Long Sword of Retribution 50 238-303 170-208 Strength +19
Vitality +9
物理クリティカル率 +36
魔法クリティカル率 +35
1 Steel Bullion *9
Evidence of Faith *52
Vengeful Soul of the Judged *21
74s54c × 打撃時に低確率で対象に追加雷ダメージ
Peaceful Long Sword of the Judge 50 232-295 199-203 - 2 Steel Bullion *9
Evidence of Faith *38
Soulstone of the Judged *25
Saint's Crystallised Teardrop *21
74s54c ×
Transcendental Long Sword of the Judge 50 232-295 166-203 Intelligence +40 2 Steel Bullion *9
Evidence of Faith *38
Soulstone of the Judged *25
Saint's Crystallised Teardrop *21
74s54c ×
Callous Long Sword of the Judge 50 185-330 166-203 - 2 Steel Bullion *9
Evidence of Faith *38
Soulstone of the Judged *25
Saint's Crystallised Teardrop *21
74s54c ×
Illusionary Long Sword of the Judge 50 232-295 166-203 Max EP +450 2 Steel Bullion *9
Evidence of Faith *38
Soulstone of the Judged *25
Saint's Crystallised Teardrop *21
74s54c ×



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